Celebrate Dad's special day the right way...with booze and laughter!
Headliner Greg Warren will have you in stitches, and special drink prices will help grease the skids too! Plus, we've got a grand prize drawing for some booze, a canvas tote bag and six-months free entry to Rooster T. Feathers.
Show starts at 8pm, with doors at 7:15pm. Tickets are $12 per person. Click here to purchase, or call 408.736.0921 for reservations and more information.
Check out Greg Warren's video: One Star People:
On a related note, we'd like to recommend two great podcasts that celebrate Fatherhood!
Danny Bevins in one of our favorite headliners, and not just because once he was willing to host a week to help us out of a bind! Also a new dad, Danny started a podcast called "Little Help". By interviewing people who fascinate and intrigue him he hopes to understand what it takes to be a better person, husband and father. Check it out!
Comedians Justin Worsham (a regular feature at Roosters) and Bill Glass have a podcast called "Dad's Are More Fun". They share stories about the ups and downs of Fatherhood on their weekly podcast. Worth a listen!
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